Tooth Extractions In Antioch - Removal Of Teeth


If you are experiencing extreme sensitivity or are suffering from advanced periodontal disease, you may be required to have a tooth extracted. As a comprehensive dental care provider, Bay View Dental is equipped to handle all types of tooth extractions. We have become one of the premier providers of tooth extractions in Antioch and surrounding communities. Antioch residents can conveniently have their tooth removal procedures completed directly at our office without the need to see a specialist. With extensive experience in tooth exodontia, Dr. Jennifer Xie is widely considered a leading tooth extraction provider in Antioch.

Reasons For A Tooth Extraction

There are numerous situations in which a simple extraction can help alleviate pain or prepare you for another cosmetic or restorative procedure. Some common reasons for extraction include:

  • Advanced periodontal disease that has loosened the tooth roots
  • Extra teeth or baby teeth that impede adult teeth
  • Preparing a patient for orthodontic treatment
  • Removing a fractured or malformed tooth
  • Severe tooth decay which cannot be remedied with root canal therapy

Antioch Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth refer to our third molars that erupt after the rest of your adult teeth. They usually appear when people reach the age of about 17 to 25 years.

Because they appear late, there is often not enough space for them to grow properly. This leads to several complications such as:

  • Damage to the neighboring teeth
  • Gum Tissues Infection
  • The wisdom teeth stuck in the gum tissues and bone
  • Cyst Formation
  • Damaged jawbone
  • Periodontal disease
  • Disruption to the teeth alignment

Not all wisdom teeth require extractions, but when these complications arise, our dentist recommends removing them to ease your discomfort.

Antioch Tooth Extraction Procedure

We start our tooth extraction procedure by making sure that our patient is comfortable. We administer the appropriate level of anesthetic to suit your health and make the process as painless for you as possible. At Bay View Dental, our patients and their comfort are our top most priority and, therefore, our experienced Fresno tooth extraction dentist makes sure that your concerns are heard throughout the procedure.

We will gently extract your tooth, clean, and seal the site with stitches, if required. After the procedure is over, we give you instructions on how to take care of your extraction site. Your dentist will also schedule a follow-up appointment with you to examine your healing progress.

Tooth extraction can be traumatic for some people, but we make sure that you always have the necessary information you need to make a right decision regarding your oral health.

After Tooth Extraction

After wisdom teeth extractions in Antioch or having a tooth removed, healing is generally quick. You may be advised to gently bite down on a small pad of gauze to reduce bleeding immediately after treatment. Once home, do not rinse your mouth for at least 24 hours and refrain from smoking, rigorous activity, spitting forcefully or drinking through a straw. Instead, slowly introduce soft foods and rinse gently with warm salt water after meals and before bed. To reduce swelling, apply a cold press to the outside of the cheek and sleep on multiple pillows that are propped up.

Contact Us To Schedule Your Appointment

If tooth pain is affecting your quality of life, scheduling a consultation with our Antioch dental team can help you determine your most appropriate form of treatment. To learn more about our tooth extraction services in Antioch, contact our practice today and schedule your appointment.

Bay View Dental
2225 Buchanan Road, Suite G
Antioch, CA 94509
Phone: 510-248-0651
Fax: 877-255-8789
Office Hours

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